The new material that sticks and comes off without leaving a trace.
Reusable as many times as you want, it is resistant to water and atmospheric agents.
Berlin 0312 European Photography 014
Berlin #0312 from 2 to 11 May Teresa Mancini presents the selection of a reportage* made in Berlin in 2012 as part of Fotografia Europea 014 Ateliers Viaduegobbitre, OFF circuit, in Reggio Emilia.
“People of the world… Look at this city!” this phrase was said by Ernst Reuter in 1948, Mayor of West Berlin. It seems like a sort of prophetic exhortation which then saw a divided city and now, reunified, it has become the symbol of the acceptance of culture and economic power.
Photographing a city, Berlin, where the balance between old and new is expressed in the architecture, in the streets, in the reception of new cultural stimuli, was like being reborn with a new awareness. Otherwise I would not have been able to perceive the perspectives, the colors, the reflections, the livability of a city that immediately seemed hospitable to me. Integration, this is the word that kept coming back to me as I looked around.
This collection of photographs, Berlin #0312, is a visual journey carried out mainly around the Checkpoint Charlie area, which testifies to the beauty of a city that has been able to offer social fusion and cultural growth to a population that until recently was dramatically divided.
At the end of the exhibition, after the QuickArt prints had been subjected to bad weather and rain without being ruined, it was possible to reuse them with excellent results for the furnishing of interior spaces.